Our Safety Mission
To become the safest rigging company we can be. To conduct our work and our operations in a manner that protects every person potentially affected including you, our customers, our employees and the public. To value human life, health and welfare above all else.
Our rigging safety could potentially affect you, our client, as much or even more than it affects us. It’s critically important to you and to us. And for us, it’s a process; a never-ending journey of continuous improvement.
We have an established safety program compliant with all requirements. Where we differ, however, from other contractors is how we handle our rigging safety operationally. We provide rigging services for all industries in the Mid-Atlantic region including Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland. Differences you’ll find with A&A:
- Personal Behaviors – At A&A, we make it personal to make it stick. We want our team members working on your site to be in the habit of thinking about safety because it’s personally important. To themselves, to their families, to you and to everyone around us as we work. That’s why we also incorporate home safety topics in our training; we want build safety habits.
- Our Responsibility for Others – We want our team members to watch out for you and for each other. It’s not enough to watch out for yourself only. It’s our job to remind others who may forget to practice proper safety or make poor safety judgments.
- Engineered Controls – Our first line of safety on your site will be trying to find and integrate engineered controls. Similar to guards on a machine, we’ll look for ways to perform the work avoiding the risk entirely or designing systems, procedures, tools or equipment that diminishes or eliminates the risks.
- PPE Issued – Our team member are issued a safety bag with all necessary PPE (Personal Protective Equipment). Few of our peers can match us or even come close to providing the range and extent of PPE we do. We equip our team with the best gear and the correct gear for any environment.
- Communication – Safe operations require constant communication. We want you to know we believe this. As a team, we’re constantly communicating; whether it’s new procedures, improved techniques, processes, changes in SOP’s, refresher training or continuing technical or safety training. A few ways we do this:
- Team Meetings – We hold 12-15 meetings annually with ALL field team members. These meetings are held in our training room equipped for WebEx participation so traveling team members can participate regardless of where they are. We also record these meetings to share with absent team members so everyone receives the benefit of the information.
- Need-To-Knows – A process we use to rapidly communicate critical information to everyone. These are brief bulletins viewed and signed daily or as they occur.
- Enhanced Content Delivery – When and where possible, we utilize enhanced content delivery to improve the understanding and retention of the content. For instance, Toolbox Talks are delivered in a brief video format in small groups who are then required to cite 3-4 elements of what they retained. We believe enhancing the delivery increases compliance, and more importantly, the understanding and retention of content.
At A&A, our safety as a team is a key factor of the A&A Difference.

Personal PPE Issue
See image: clockwise from top left
- Carry Bag – Heavy Duty/Waterproof
- FR (Fire Resistant) Attire
- Shirt – long sleeve
- Pants
- Jacket
- Fall Protection
- Harness
- Anchorage Connector Strap
- Lanyard – Retractable
- Relief Step
- Anchor – Glider to Sliding Beam
- Respiratory
- Respirator – half face cartridge type
- Cartridges
- Dust Mask
- Boots
- Knee Pads
- Medical/First-Aid
- First Aid kit
- Ice Pack
- Surgical Gloves
- Wipes – alcohol/antiseptic
- Hot Work
- Burning Gloves
- Torch Striker
- Striker Flints
- Burning Pants & Jacket
- Lock-Out/Tag-Out
- Hasp(s)
- Lock(s)
- Tag
- GFCI – Ground Fault Circuit Interruptor
- Hi-Visibility Vests
- Hi-Vis Yellow
- Hi-Vis Orange
- Eye Protection
- Safety Glasses
- Anti-fog wipes
- Glass Case & Lanyard
- Goggles – w/clear & shaded (burning) lenses
- Face Shield Bracket – for hard hat
- Face Shield Lenses; clear & tinted
- Hard Hat
- Hearing Protection
- Hearing Muffs
- Ear Plugs – disposable
- FR Attire issued to those scheduled to work in FR-required environments
- Additional and different PPE issued per project/site requirements
- All employees also issued full uniform sets
- All uniforms, included FR attire, laundered by company

This is all of the PPE issued to every A&A team member available to them at all times.
Personal PPE Issue
See image below: clockwise from top left
- Carry Bag – Heavy Duty/Waterproof
- FR (Fire Resistant) Attire
- Shirt – long sleeve
- Pants
- Jacket
- Fall Protection
- Harness
- Anchorage Connector Strap
- Lanyard – Retractable
- Relief Step
- Anchor – Glider to Sliding Beam
- Respiratory
- Respirator – half face cartridge type
- Cartridges
- Dust Mask
- Boots
- Knee Pads
- Medical/First-Aid
- First Aid kit
- Ice Pack
- Surgical Gloves
- Wipes – alcohol/antiseptic
- Hot Work
- Burning Gloves
- Torch Striker
- Striker Flints
- Burning Pants & Jacket
- Lock-Out/Tag-Out
- Hasp(s)
- Lock(s)
- Tag
- GFCI – Ground Fault Circuit Interruptor
- Hi-Visibility Vests
- Hi-Vis Yellow
- Hi-Vis Orange
- Eye Protection
- Safety Glasses
- Anti-fog wipes
- Glass Case & Lanyard
- Goggles – w/clear & shaded (burning) lenses
- Face Shield Bracket – for hard hat
- Face Shield Lenses; clear & tinted
- Hard Hat
- Hearing Protection
- Hearing Muffs
- Ear Plugs – disposable
- FR Attire issued to those scheduled to work in FR-required environments
- Additional and different PPE issued per project/site requirements
- All employees also issued full uniform sets
- All uniforms, included FR attire, laundered by company

This is all of the PPE issued to every A&A team member available to them at all times.